Leading New England trial attorney Norm Pattis represents people who are victims of illegal police action or employment discrimination or whose rights to free speech have been violated including Whistleblower claims. He is a veteran of 100+ jury trials and has won multiple million dollar verdicts.
Civil Rights
Police Shootings
Police Brutality
Unlawful Arrests
Wrongful Convictions
Illegal Search
Official Misconduct
Employment Discrimination
Race Discrimination
Sex or Age Discrimination
First Amendment
Right to Assemble
Freedom of Speech
Whistleblower Claims
Police & Prosecutor
Norm Pattis and his Connecticut Civil Rights attorneys represent people in Connecticut state and federal courts whose civil rights have been violated by police brutality, unlawful searches, or other police misconduct. They also have an excellent record helping victims of employment discrimination or whose First Amendment rights have been trampled.
If you believe you are a victim of wrongful police action or employment discrimination in New Haven, Hartford, Bridgeport, or another Connecticut city connect with Connecticut Civil Rights Lawyers for a free consultation to learn your rights:
Our civil rights attorneys have a reputation for winning difficult cases and securing substantial verdicts when their clients' Fourth Amendment rights against illegal searches and seizures, unlawful arrest, or illegal police shootings and misconduct are violated. Similarly Connecticut Civil Rights employment lawyers are skilled at pursuing claims based on discrimination based on sex, race, religion, or national origin.
When victims of discrimination or police misconduct need expert civil rights lawyers in Hartford, New Haven, Stamford, throughout Connecticut or in complex cases anywhere in the U.S., they call
Norm Pattis and his team for quick strong action: 203.393.3017 or contact us online at
The strength of your case, both winability and potential money recovery, is determined to a large extent on the experience and reputation of your attorney. Norm Pattis, bestselling legal author, frequent expert commentator for the national media, and trial attorney with a national profile has a reputation for winning big cases. Substantial settlements or big verdicts can result depending of course also on the facts of your specific situation.
Norm Pattis regularly joins counsel across the country to enhance case value and for expertise on complex cases.
He also accepts referrals for your important CT clients.
Connecticut Civil Rights and discrimination lawyers represent clients in every state and federal Connecticut court
and in complex cases throughout the United States.